Step Three

Get Ready: Team

Engage, support and train your team throughout the exploration and integration process. Your team is essential for success. Readiness steps will be iterative – talent informing strategy, informing floor, informing talent.

Many of the “resources” listed below can help you navigate workforce development supports and programs available in your area, or connect you to trainings about advanced manufacturing technologies. 

Common actions in Get Ready: Team are listed below; jump to Knowledge Bank for examples of how companies advance them.

Engage & Support Training for Key Engineering and Information Technology Staff

Boost Team Skills in Data Analysis & Evaluation

Engage & Support Training for Key Operator & Maintenance Staff

The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) at Penn State is a federal, state, and University partnership to stimulate economic development. Our statewide network of technical advisors helps organizations maximize their competitiveness through unbiased technical advice in support of energy efficiency, pollution prevention and sustainability initiatives, product and process development, and educational programs and connections to Penn State experts, resources, students and programs.

Contact Details


Reach Out For:Technical Expertise, Talent, Economic Development Expertise